Almost everything tastes better with butter, and that definitely includes bread and other baked goods. I’ve recently learned about making compound butters, which is just a fancy way of saying mixing stuff into butter. If you like adding a bit of sweet to your muffins, toast, bagels, and the like, try this easy honey cinnamon butter recipe. It’s super simple (just three ingredients and 5 minutes!) and it’s pretty reminiscent of that delicious stuff they serve at Texas Roadhouse. Use it to top No-Knead Beer Bread or Sweet Cornbread.
Honey Cinnamon Butter
- 1 cup butter, softened
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- Combine all ingredients. Store in an airtight container. Refrigerate leftovers.
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This looks yummy! I would love to spread this on a piece of toast, waffle, or pancake! BTW, the title of the recipe reads “Easy Pizza Sauce.” I figured the recipe matches the blog post title though. Can’t wait to try it!
Happy to see that you are back!
After a 4-month break, it appears I’m a little rusty at this 🙂 Thanks for catching that for me, Erin.
This sounds great! Although the recipe is for pasta sauce..
Oh boy. This is what I get for taking a long break — I’ve forgotten how to use WordPress! Thank you for letting me know. It’s been fixed (I hope!).
I agree, everything does taste better with butter and lots of it. I myself have thought of making compound butters (I’ve now learnt a new term), but with garlic and herbs. I’d never thought of doing a sweet butter. This would be great on toast, bagels, popcorn, and so much more.
I did a yummy savory one for steak (here), but also rarely remember to do sweet ones. This is a yummy way to dress up breakfast breads, too. Thanks for coming by!